“Art By Bianca”

When she was young, Bianca Rosen would spend lots of time in the garden with her mother, time that helped nurture an innate passion for nature that she’s always had with her. That time and passion also melded well with Bianca’s creative and artistic tendencies – and her longstanding fascination with flowers.

“I’ve always been creative and fascinated by flowers and their vibrant colors. That’s where my obsession began when I was a child,” she says. “Watching tiny green plants turn into spectacular multicolored blooms always fascinated me because of the ever-changing colors and shapes. It became my primary goal to capture these vibrant colors through my work, and I have been developing my style ever since.”

Today, Bianca’s work is largely artistic – namely painting vibrant, arresting florals, mixed with the occasional mountain landscape, fruit or colorful bird. An industrial designer and self-taught artist who once illustrated a coloring book for Cirque du Soleil, Bianca took her art to Instagram two years ago. There, she shares her latest pieces, often from her studio, with more than 128,000 followers on an almost daily basis.

“I started [using Instagram] because I wanted to get back into art after I took a break for a few years,” Bianca says. “I figured if I started an account, it would motivate me to get back into painting again – and it definitely worked!

Who: Bianca Rosen; Art by Bianca; Montreal, Qué., Canada

Why we like it The only thing better than an Instagram account full of gorgeous flowers? One filled with amazing paintings of gorgeous flowers and the occasional shot of the creative artist behind them. That’s Bianca’s lively Instagram presence, in a nutshell.

Making connections In addition to helping her stay motivated with her art, Instagram has helped lead Bianca to bigger and better opportunities. “I take all photos and write the captions and posts, including replying to comments and private messages, which can be time consuming but also very rewarding. The benefits have definitely been meeting and connecting with like-minded people and companies for fun art-related collaborations. I have made so many artistic friends all over the world, and it makes life more exciting, especially when traveling. It’s always fun teaming up with like-minded people!”

Past and present When it comes to the posts that do the best for her, Bianca says people like to see work of hers that is both old and new. “People usually love to see past and present photos of my work. I have been painting for more than a decade, so it’s fun to see how my style has evolved. Sometimes I show a piece of art I painted a few years ago in a different medium and then compare it to a recent one. It’s always great to see people’s reactions and hear their opinions when comparing the pieces.”

Favorite flowers “I have too many favorite flowers, but if I had to choose: peonies, Dahlia, Ranunculus and parrot tulips. These flowers are particularly fun for me to paint because they have many layers and depth to them, and I find them very visually stimulating.”

Tips to try “It is important to be passionate. You can’t just post content and expect people to care. People want to be able to connect with you and get to know you better! Be passionate about what you do, and share things with your audience regularly about what you’re working on whether by story or post.”

See for yourself @artbybianca