This delightful summertime arrangement, showcasing seasonal veggies, fragrant garden roses and auxiliary details, is perfect for your clients’ outdoor entertaining with family or friends!

Step 1

Soak a brick of OASIS Midnight Floral Foam in flower-food solution, and anchor it into the container with OASIS Clear Tape.

Step 2

Arrange stems of variegated Euonymus foliage into the floral foam, establishing a base for the design.

Step 3

Arrange fresh veggies. Secure artichokes into the focal area of the design with wood picks or bamboo skewers. Bind green onions in two clusters, and place one on each side of the design. Wire gold beets, or insert a wood pick or skewer into each, and arrange into the floral foam. Next, add two bell peppers into the design using the same wiring technique or with wood picks/skewers.

Step 4

For the satellite arrangement, cut off the top of a bell pepper, and scoop out the seeds. Insert a wood pick or skewer into the top piece of the pepper. Place a piece of floral foam into the pepper, and replace the top of the pepper at an angle.

Step 5

Arrange ‘Princess Kishi’ Japanese Garden Roses, from Alexandra Farms, into the floral foam among the vegetables. Add one rose to the satellite bell-pepper arrangement as well a few sprigs of Euonymus foliage. Add a few stems of billy buttons to both designs, in groups, to add even more texture to this summertime centerpiece.