
Floral Columnists Articles

On the Level with Neville

We are all trying to survive and thrive, and I am thankful that we, as florists, are doing all we can to help the world share love through the beauty of flowers! Learn more…

Building Flower Sales Virtually

As technology changes, so does the way we do business and the way consumers interact with our businesses. New shopping platforms, social media and YouTube have all contributed to new opportunities and growth. Learn More…

Insurance Upset

Small-businesses face many questions about insurance coverage for the costly damages incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. What unexpected exclusions are now becoming apparent? Should litigation be expected? And how can businesses retool their policies to reflect the increased risk in the months and years ahead? Learn more…

On the Level with Neville

We’ve been getting it from all directions, what with COVID-19, droughts, mass murders, political unrest all over, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods and fi res—and then, of course, we had to hear that “murder hornets” are actually a thing! Frig, what’s a florist to do?

The Abundance of Coronavirus Recovery Funding

As Congress and other government agencies attempt to save different areas of the economy, all florists should understand the many resources available to help with their own recovery. Learn More…

Worried Workers

Worried Workers

Your success in the floral industry depends on your ability to light fires under anyone who seems to have exhausted his or her inner resources. How?

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Tying the Knot in Fall and Winter

Tying the Knot in Fall and Winter

Fall and winter wedding dates have gained in popularity in recent years and with good reason. Florists have embraced these seasons, creating unforgettable designs.

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On the Level with Neville

On the Level with Neville

Don’t you just LOVE an autumn or winter wedding? Depending on where you live in the world, one can look forward to the autumn’s cooler nights and brightly colored leaves or the crisp romance of a snow-covered field with frosty sparkles everywhere.

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Nothing Beats SOAP!

Nothing Beats SOAP!

Seems Mama really does know best: Nothing beats good old-fashioned soap and water as a tool in the fight against COVID-19.

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Online Cyberattacks

Online Cyberattacks

Online retailers could lose $22.2 billion through severe data breaches each year, based on the average cost and frequency of cyberattacks in the ecommerce sector, research reveals.

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Bringing People Back

Bringing People Back

As florists start to bring workers back into their stores, a successful re-entry program is important to ensure the safety of both employees and customers; obviate charges

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