Florist Leisha Davies wants Kiwis to make wreaths while in lockdown to honour the Anzacs and she’s showing people how to do it in a tutorial. A florist has devised a blooming great way to honour war veterans this Anzac Day and for Kiwis to show solidarity in the battle against Covid-19. Leisha Davies, the owner of New Plymouth’s Simply Blooming Florist and Gifts, has created a series of online tutorials to help the public make their own wreaths from bits and pieces they can find in their backyards so they can display them outside their homes to show support and honour the country’s service men and women. With the traditional parades and dawn services on April 25 banned due to coronavirus , Davies is on a crusade to ensure those who paid the ultimate price during the conflicts to protect society’s freedom will not be forgotten. Florist Leisha Davies has made an online tutorial to show Kiwis how to make wreaths while in lockdown, to honour veterans on Anzac Day and show Covid-19 we are not beat. “It’s another way for everyone in the community to show even though it’s tough times now, it has been tougher for those who fought in the wars,” Davies said. “We are all making our own sacrifices now but it’s a lockdown thing. We are not actually sacrificing our lives but we are both doing it for the good of the country. “This is just a different kind of war.” This week the Royal New Zealand Returned Services Association (RNZRSA) announced,with the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), Anzac Day services would be commemorated with a 6am virtual dawn service and encouraged the community to take part by standing at their letterbox, front door, lounge or backyard to show their support. Florist Leisha […]
Florist shows Kiwis how to create DIY floral wreaths from backyard scraps this Anzac Day