First came a hotel for houseplants and now, in a bid to out-hipster the most hipster of hotels, East London has opened the first houseplant hotel for humans. Confused? Bear with us… Aldgate’s Leman Locke hotel and apartments have teamed up with the experts in all things botany, Joy of Plants, to give guests the chance to sleep amongst a bounty of plants. Open to the public until 10th November, three of the hotel’s suites have been transformed into lush, indoor living jungles. From the walls to the coffee table, the headboard to the bathroom and even the windows, every inch of the space has been covered in some sort of plant or succulent – think Jumanji meets Pinterest on steroids. The point? Well, Instagram opportunities for a start – the millennial pink sofa and copper lighting works perfectly against a backdrop of monstera. But, on a more serious note, the pop-up brings to light the fact that plants are actually good for us, helping us work better, calm our mood and even make us more passionate. Don’t believe me? The experts at Joy of Plants put their money plants where their mouths are and backed the concept up with facts. According to their recent research, a third (34%) of people spend less than 17 minutes outside per day during winter despite two fifths (39%) recognising that spending more time in nature would make them happier. I put it to the test and bedded down in one of the suites for the night. I was given the ‘Productivity Suite’ designed by award-winning biophilic designer, architect and House Beautiful expert, Oliver Heath. The space has been designed with “nomadic workers and business travellers” in mind and is full of plants renowned for their efficiency inducing properties – that’s Boston ferns, […]

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