
Floral Columnists Articles

Collaboration in the Time of COVID-19

Five florists share how they’ve created relationships during the pandemic. Learn More…

Are 3-D Vases the Future?

At what point do flower shops start printing their own vases in house? With many reliable 3-D printers down to $300 anyone these days can set up a vase “factory” right in his or her own store. Learn more!

Worried Workers

Your success in the floral industry depends on your ability to light fires under anyone who seems to have exhausted his or her inner resources. How?

Tying the Knot in Fall and Winter

Fall and winter wedding dates have gained in popularity in recent years and with good reason. Florists have embraced these seasons, creating unforgettable designs.

On the Level with Neville

Don’t you just LOVE an autumn or winter wedding? Depending on where you live in the world, one can look forward to the autumn’s cooler nights and brightly colored leaves or the crisp romance of a snow-covered field with frosty sparkles everywhere.

Well  Isn’t That Special

Well Isn’t That Special

I hear talk about things “never being the same again” and how we have to get used to the “new normal,” and I had to think about what “normal” has become for us in a very short time.

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So what business are you really in

So what business are you really in

A few years ago, while walking through a shopping mall in Calgary, Alberta, I came across a beautiful flower shop. Displayed outside the doorway, in the mall aisle, were mixed bunches of fresh flowers,

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Ethylene Damage in Flowers and Plants

Ethylene Damage in Flowers and Plants

When it comes to common ailments and injuries affecting cut flowers and plants, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. These unfortunate flower conditions directly impact

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Creating Solutions

Creating Solutions

Things have changed rapidly over the last few months. What was working for your business last year most likely won’t work the same way this year. Wedding-focused businesses may face

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Charting the Unchartable

Charting the Unchartable

Well, this is not the easiest time I have had writing my thoughts, let me tell you. In March, my husband David and I not only had to lay off our staff and close our store to customers and take orders

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