A traditional hand-tied bouquet is dazzlingly enhanced with a crystal-encrusted armature and stem wrap.

With the incorporation of a custom-crafted crystal-beaded armature, which also serves as a collar for the bouquet, and a bejeweled wrap at the grasping point, a classic hand-tied bridal design is elevated to a more contemporary and glamorous level—perfect for modern brides-to-be whose tastes tend toward bijou and bling. This dazzling (and fragrant) bouquet, created by floral designer Erik Witcraft, AIFD, CFD, and featuring Alexandra Farms’ ‘Princess Miyuki’/’First Snow’ Japanese Garden Roses, will beautifully complement gowns that are encrusted with crystals or rhinestones as well as simpler, chic styles that are entirely unadorned.

The versatile armature/collar concept affords many options, from varying the colors and styles of crystals to exchanging the crystal garland for berried vines or faux branch sprays, creating a natural aesthetic, or tinsel confetti sprays for a fun and playful look

Step 1

Create a “molecular-structure”-style armature by randomly overlapping four silver 6-inch-diameter metal craft rings (O-rings) and tightly binding them together at all the points where they overlap with 12-gauge silver aluminum wire. Next, weave lengths of wired crystal garland into the ring armature, allowing some of the garland to extend above and beyond the edges of the armature, creating dimension and visual movement.

Step 2

Attach four lengths of silver aluminum wire to the crystal ring armature to create the “handle” for the bouquet. Tape the four wires together with stem wrap (corsage tape) or self-fusing floral binding tape.

Step 3

Arrange three stems of peonies low and in the center of the crystal ring armature, in a spiral hand-tied manner. Next, arrange stems of ‘Princess Miyuki’/’First Snow’ Japanese Garden Roses, from Alexandra Farms, above the peonies. Pull some “strands” of the crystal garland up into the bouquet, among the flowers.

Step 4

Bind the flower stems with paper-covered wire, and cut the stems to an equal length.

Step 5

Bind a section of the flower stems (approximately 3 inches) with stem wrap (corsage tape) or self-fusing floral binding tape, to create a grasping point for the bouquet.

Step 6

Attach two adhesive strips to the taped section of flower stems, one each on opposite sides of the section, to prepare for the attachment of “diamond” ribbon.

Step 7

Attach “diamond” ribbon around the taped section of stems, pressing it onto the adhesive strips.

Step 8

Wrap silver bullion wire over the “diamond” ribbon to further secure it to the flower stems.