A great interview with Lea Romanowski as she shares her experience in the world of floral design.

Source: Oasis Floral Products Blog

Canadian florist Lea Romanowski CAFA, AIFD, CAFD emphasizes the importance of a strong foundation in any endeavor. With over 40 years of experience in the floral industry, Lea, the owner of Designing on the Edge, has honed her craft with meticulous attention to detail. Renowned for her precision in design mechanics, she pushes the boundaries of floral design by incorporating her diverse skills in carpentry, painting, metalwork, and electrical work, earning her the nickname “MacGyver, a fixer of all things visual.”

“Your foundation is the most critical part of anything you build,” says Canadian florist, Lea Romanowski CAFA, AIFD, CAFD. “If your foundation isn’t good, if it isn’t strong and true, it will affect the entire outcome of the design.”

Lea represented Canada at the 2023 Interflora World Cup in Manchester, England. Competing against elite floral artists from 19 nations. “There is no better place than World Cup, a three-day global floral event, to learn and compete at the same time,” she suggests.
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World cup design. Canada
Lea Romanowski CAFA, AIFD, CAFD