Flowers by Faith has been in business for a little over a year and it lives up to its name. It will be hosting an open house Saturday, Nov. 14, to coincide with its opening of the Magnolia Tea Room with food, beverages and door prizes. Owner Peggy Stanford displays her flower arrangements along with her tea room and many of the items available at Flowers by Faith. The businesses are located at 604 S. Washington St. Flowers by Faith owner Peggy Stanford said many florists are opening tea rooms as a way to earn money.
“People are not buying flowers like they used to, and we have to make a living somehow,” Stanford said.
Stanford has 30 years of experience as an award-winning florist and calls Tullahoma her home. She says at Flowers by Faith it is important to make sure customers are getting their money’s worth.
“We believe in honesty and putting out a good product,” she said.
Flowers by Faith provides both fresh and artificial flower arrangements, as well as fruit baskets, gourmet baskets, balloon arrangements, spa baskets and home décor and specialty gifts.
It also does a variety of specialty arrangements, including holiday themes and fun shapes. One arrangement even looks like a champagne bottle.
“It’s a flower arrangement that’s shaped like a champagne bottle we do in the fall, but you can’t eat it or drink out of it,” Stanford said.
Flowers by Faith does not charge a delivery fee to any funeral homes in the area, including Tullahoma, Manchester, Winchester, Estill Springs and Lynchburg. Standford also does not charge home delivery fees to Tullahoma customers.
“That’s a charge that shouldn’t be added,” she said.
With everyone being tight with money due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Stanford wants customers to know she and her staff have their backs.
“I do handle things a lot different, as I care about needy people, as it’s not about the money for me,” she said. “I really feel for people who can’t have a casket piece. The store will take care of that, and if it’s a child, we’ll give it to them.”
Stanford said she have given out food, detergent and clothing to those in need of help, and she has let people going through dark times in their lives work in the store to remind them of their worth.
“They come in and work for free basically to make them realize they are important and their life matters,” Stanford said.Stanford said that philosophy carries even after regular business hours. The store has an after-hours number people can call if they urgently need an arrangement.Stanford stressed she does not intend to actively compete with the other florists in Tullahoma, as they need each other.“We need every florist in town that we’ve got,” Stanford said. “If we don’t have it, we’re going to send that customer to them, and hopefully treat them like we treat them here. We’re not trying shut anyone else down.”Stanford said she wants Tullahoma residents to know that she is a florist who care about people […]
Flowers by Faith lives up to its name