When one hears the term “making arrangements,” most often funerals come to mind. Grief and loss in their quiet natural wisdom segue into planning: raw hearts beat into lists of who to call, despairing turns into ordering bouquets of sympathy; busying oneself turns into structure and that is how, breath by breath, we survive the most jarring parts of our human experience. But what about the smaller parts of life that cause deep grief, where we choose to bury some things and construct pillars of purpose for others? Art by Corey Pemberton On January 10, “making arrangements” embodies the florist’s precision of arranging, and is the title of a specially curated art show opening at Goodyear Arts. The show will feature works from regional artists as well as artists from Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Richmond. Curator Rebecca Henderson said of the show and its title, “I wanted to be able to communicate the duality of the work [the show] contains. Yes, there is a bouquet: the colorful beauty, a tantalizing expression and a bold optimism. But there are also those arrangements whose wilting marks the fragility and banality of living– that the days simply pass.” Henderson has made a name for herself in a variety of ways around Charlotte. She co-curated the 2016 show Unibrow with local sculpture artist Grace Stotts, continues to co-curate a mobile and accessibility-driven gallery, Wheeling Art Dealing, and just last year started Southern Ladies Arm Wrestling (an inclusive arm wrestling league open to all femme-identifying folks). Henderson is active in the arts community and handpicked each artist based off the content, concept, or context of their work as it pertains to the Making Arrangements curatorial proposal. Film Still by Lora Mathis “This is a group exhibition which reflects on the exquisite […]
Making Arrangements art exhibit explores the many moods of floral design at Goodyear Arts