Scherry Johnson pays it forward with bouquets of caring. MOORE, Okla. (KFOR) – When you meet Scherry Johnson of Moore, Okla., you realize she loves happy. “Flowers are just so happy… I love happy,” Scherry says. Scherry’s a florist and a bright light in her community. That light was desperately needed following the traffic tragedy that claimed three young lives in Moore. Scherry remembers talking to a family member of one of the young victims. “Then I hugged her goodbye, and she said, ’I’m only standing by the grace of God.’ And I said, ‘I know,’ but no, I don’t know. I can’t imagine,” Scherry said. But Scherry did know how to do her part to help the families begin the challenging road to recovery. She donated flowers for the funeral services. “To me it’s a way to help them, to minister to them a little bit, to give them some love from God and to know that there’s always hope,” she said. For that and countless other gestures of goodwill, Chris Lamb nominated Scherry for Pay It 4ward. “She’s a great person. She obviously does a lot for the community and is well-deserving,” Chris told us. After receiving the $400 prize from First Fidelity’s Anthony Wuestenfeld, we surprised Scherry with it at her shop, Broadway Florist in Moore. Scherry told us she wasn’t the only one who tried to ease the pain of family and friends of the victims. “So, we were able to touch them by lovin’ on them a little bit and helping them with the expenses on the flowers, and the funeral home did the same thing. It’s not just me, the whole community pulled together and takes care of the family when they’re in need,” she said. Scherry Johnson… paying it forward with a […]
Pay it 4ward: Moore woman pays it forward with a bouquet of caring