
Floral Columnists Articles

Zero-contact Sales in the Flower World

Shoppers today don’t want to touch anything (except their mobile phones). People think danger lurks everywhere—from the gas pump to the ATM machine to the crosswalk

Well Isn’t That Special

I hear talk about things “never being the same again” and how we have to get used to the “new normal,” and I had to think about what “normal” has become for us in a very short time.

So what business are you really in

A few years ago, while walking through a shopping mall in Calgary, Alberta, I came across a beautiful flower shop. Displayed outside the doorway, in the mall aisle, were mixed bunches of fresh flowers,

Ethylene Damage in Flowers and Plants

When it comes to common ailments and injuries affecting cut flowers and plants, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. These unfortunate flower conditions directly impact

Creating Solutions

Things have changed rapidly over the last few months. What was working for your business last year most likely won’t work the same way this year. Wedding-focused businesses may face

Giving Hope to our Flower World

Giving Hope to our Flower World

Srini Perera, Chief Creator at Kreative Hands, shares with us her tips to stay busy, creative and connected to your community during this very difficult time.

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Finishing Sprays

Finishing Sprays

What’s the best way to make sure all that delicate handiwork you design for Easter, Mother’s Day, proms, graduations, recitals and weddings lasts as long as possible. The answer lies in finishing sprays. Here’s everything you need to know about the different types. Read more […]

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Spring Sensation

Spring Sensation

Cut bulb flowers have some special care requirements — does yellowing foliage resonate with anyone? — because of the hormone imbalances that occur when they are cut from their bulbs. Here, Floralife shares secrets to properly caring for cut bulb flowers. (Read more …)

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The Joy Of Working With Flowers

The Joy Of Working With Flowers

It’s easy to find joy in your life and work when you create with one of God’s most beautiful gifts of love: flowers! Flowers = Joy. Read more of the floral spiritual insights of Phil Rulloda, AIFD, AAF, PFCI […]

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