“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and, behold, service was joy.”

It’s easy to find joy in your life and work when you create with one of God’s most beautiful gifts of love: flowers! Flowers = Joy.

When you find something you are crazy about doing and you do it so well that people want to pay you for it, bam! That’s the jackpot of joy. Doing what you love and loving what you do – it doesn’t get much better, does it?
You fall in love with flowers and stay in love with them. We “floraholics” eat, sleep, dream and live for flowers. We couldn’t exist without them. Flowers are in our DNA.
Flowers are my religion and give my life meaning. I’m proud to be an ambassador of sentiment. A florist. The poet Rabindranath Tagore once said, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and, behold, service was joy.”
Work in the service of others. Become a servant of the flower. I am
the messenger of the messages that flowers bring. The flowers are the art.
When no words are spoken, flowers speak a universal language of their own, saying with a gentle persuasion, “I love you,” “I care,” “I sympathize,” “I’m grateful” and so much more. Only feelings understand feelings when the emotion comes from the heart.
Through flowers, I can use my talents and gifts to create profound empathy with those I serve. I enjoy the benefits of my creations and make a living by living my making.
I was born to be a florist. I feel pride in designing something beautiful and sharing a part of my soul in my work. Did you ever receive joy by inspiring others? I have.
Joy is self-perpetuating for the giver and receiver. This sets the table for future acts of joy. When you give, you also receive. There is genuine joie de vivre that flows through our hands when working with flowers.
I’m sure you realize that when you work with thoughtful, caring hands and love in your heart, you can create crown jewels of praise that exalt the creator of all that is good. Your work becomes a spiritual ritual born out of the subconscious. It is our silent prayer of love and gratitude.
For 57 years, I have been immensely blessed following the way of the flower. When you walk in your own grace, you will find pure joy, and it will find you. Become an evangelist for joy.