Studio florists typically work out of nonretail spaces, often outfitted for large-scale wedding and event design....
Studio florists typically work out of nonretail spaces, often outfitted for large-scale wedding and event design....
By Nita Robertson. AIFD, CFD A career with flowers can take on many different forms. Here, we will explore the...
Tips for pricing your flower arrangements so that they are affordable and appealing to your marketplace while...
To weather the gathering clouds and growing turbulence in an economy that is predicted to continue to slow, retailers...
By Alex Frost As consultants to many of the top florists in the country, my colleagues at QuickFlora and I...
TikTok’s #flowertok provides an unmatched way to reach new flower-loving consumers while delivering more target...
Pop-up Stores Offer Many Options and Benefits By Jill Brooke Everyone finds their aha moment in unexpected...
Learn how to maximize your sales by upselling; your customers (and your bottom line) will be glad you did. By...