A list of industry-serving website developers and software systems to bring ecommerce success to your floral business.

By Andrew Joseph

There’s nothing wrong with having a brick-and-mortar floral shop that caters to your customers’ needs. Period. 

Along with setting up a part-time stall or kiosk at a fair or outdoor weekend market to hawk your wares, the flower shop has been a mainstay for the revenues of the floral retailer. 

But this is the 21st century, and along with walk-in traffic and those customers looking for that special gift visiting the store, customers are also shopping via online ecommerce. 

Shoppers, regardless of the product they want to buy will often do their own due diligence and utilize their smartphones, tablets, and/or computers to determine where they should shop or even if they can shop online with delivery to their door. Give me convenience or give me death—an old Dead Kennedy’s record album, but rigor mortis aside, people do enjoy shopping convenience.

It’s why the modern flower retailer will have a constantly updated website where one can show off their current inventory or seasonal flowers that seasonal customers are looking for. 

With today’s technology, as Florists’ Review is sure you have noticed, when searching for a product online, your device understands where you are located physically, and provides options on where to shop that are closest to your location. 

It’s why it is imperative to have a website, and to update its look from time to time to avoid looking staid. 

A website will promote you 24/7—as long as it: 

  1. represents you and your ideals; 
  2. speaks to the customer—physically, financially, and spiritually; 
  3. works easily so even those who are more technologically challenged can manipulate it to earn you a sale. 

If you want a 4th point, consider that a floral website need not be overly wordy. Sometimes—okay, most times—you can let the flowers and your floral designs do the talking for you. So instead of wordy descriptions from well-meaning writers, you need superb, professional photography. A picture is worth a thousand words. Sigh.

It need not be a wedding photographer who has shot their fair-share of floral bouquets, or even someone who specializes in floral photography, but rather one who knows how to photograph products to allow you the opportunity to achieve the branding you want and deserve. 

 DIY Website?

Should you design and build your own website? 

It’s tempting, isn’t it? You have all these great ideas—lots of photos showing off your floral inventory and/or the specialty items you sell, and maybe even photos from some of the in-store floral design classes you offer. 

Let’s look at it from another angle: there’s a reason why successful companies are successful. It’s knowing their own strengths and weaknesses. You should, too.  

Even if you have an artistic flair for floral arrangements, a keen eye for beauty, and keen verbal sales skills, unless you possess a strong background in web design, leave the design of your website to the professional web designers. 

Having said that—and not to denigrate website designers—but there are a lot of them out there, and it can be difficult to know who is right for the job. 

First, have an idea of what you want your website to look like. Have examples of websites you enjoy and believe are successful to show to a web designer. It’s even better if they are floral websites.

Then, shop around. Do your due diligence. When talking to a web designer, request examples of website design they have done. Hmm, there’s one for a doctor’s office—very nice; ooh, that one for the jewelry store is pretty; and wow, that one showcasing the neighborhood garage is spiffy. Heck, the price is right, too—well within the budget.

So, everything seems a-okay, right? Sign them up and let’s get to work… only, there’s just one thing. Did you see any examples of a website design for a floral retail shop within the web designer’s portfolio? 

No? Thank them for their time, and move on. 

One of the wonderful things about website design is that you are not limited by website designers who are in your town. Even if you prefer to buy local, when it comes to the technological expertise of hiring the best floral website designer you can afford, the world should be your oyster. 

It’s important for you to realize that you don’t just want a website, you want a website that sells—not just the flowers, though that is important, but rather sells you and your brand. 

“Your website is the center of your digital eco-system, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door.” – Leland Dieno,Face The Book With Your Small Business: A step by step guide to establishing your small business on the biggest social media network in existance.

Your Florists’ Review writer does like the quote, but can not provide a review on Dieno’s book except to note that “existence” is misspelled in the subtitle. 

To provide you with options from which you may ultimately make your own decision, we have taken a gander at some of the online companies that offer specific services toward original website design—with only three viable choices. 

We will not provide a list of businesses who are website designers, but Florists’ Review will provide a list of mostly North American companies that offer website templates (and some design) specific to our floral industries. 

We’re also providing a listing of companies that offers web… services. It might be professional photography services, or perhaps just webinars providing advice about what your website needs to pop, or offer software programs to, as they all indicate, make your business day easier and more streamlined.  

Key terms to note: SEO = search engine optimization; POS = point-of-sale or point of sale. 

Website Companies—Original Design

BloomNet Commerce offers what it describes as “the next generation of ecommerce websites for retail florists.” Although based on its own floral website design, BloomNet does offer full website customization created by their own team of experts to create an original design. It said that all website management needs are supported by its own dedicated team of designers, commerce specialists and brand marketing consultants. Along with capabilities to manage your site’s SEO to maximize its visibility online. BloomNet offers professionally designed, feature-rich websites, is customizable to show your own uniqueness with flowers, and allows for in-store pick up versus delivery options. Its ecommerce websites are desktop- and mobile-friendly. https://www.bloomnet.net/technology/commerce

GravityFree Studios: A boutique digital agency that builds and markets websites for florists, and offers its FlowerManager software management solution (see Website Systems Solutions below for details). 

The company said it builds wedding sites for florists, wholesale floral sites, and corporate plant management/rental sites. Everything in the floral vertical. Plus, they seem pretty cool to talk to. https://www.gravityfree.com/

Hana Software: This was the only instance we could determine that offers to develop an original flower shop website for you. After developing a user-friendly and SEO (search engine optimization)-friendly flower shop website for your business, Hana Software will also add its Point-of-Sale software to take your marketing to the next level. Its POS (point-of-sale) system is designed to deliver automated marketing materials for your florist website quickly and efficiently so you can reach more people and convert more leads without lifting a finger. The software will automate repetitive marketing activities such as ad campaigns, social media posting, and email marketing. It can also create a customized and cohesive marketing strategy that makes marketing tasks easier and faster for a better, more personalized customer experience to help you grow your shop’s content and SEO leads. https://www.hanafloristpos.com/websites/

 Website Companies–Templates

BloomNet Commerce: Although listed above in the Original Design section because of its customization, BloomNet does indeed offer floral website templates: “… the next generation of ecommerce websites for retail florists.” It said that all website management needs are supported by its own dedicated team of designers, commerce specialists and brand marketing consultants. Along with capabilities to manage your site’s SEO to maximize its visibility online. Its websites are desktop- and mobile-friendly. https://www.bloomnet.net/technology/commerce

Floranext: This company offers, among other things, a hosted, ecommerce enabled website template built specifically for the floral industry—by florists for florists. FloraNext also offers its Floral POS software, and a system to quickly arrange florist wedding/event proposals. Using its templates, FloraNext said you can “create a beautiful florist website in minutes… (and its) florist software lets you organize products, build a custom storefront, track and respond to orders and more all through a simple and easy-to-use interface.” Confident in its product, it offers a 14-day free trial. Of note, however, is deployment: Cloud, SaasS, Web-based; Mobile – iPad. The company does offer training via live online; webinars; documentation. https://www.floranext.com

GotFlowers Inc.: Based in Silicon Valley, California,the company is more than just flowers—it is a floral platform that it says “improves profitability of the floral and gift industries by exploiting contemporary web, search and social media tools.” Working closely with local florists, offers a powerful Cloud-based, easy-to-use service and companion mobile Apps that solve most of the administrative, operational and business issues faced by retail florists. It also offers website services. Designed for retail florists, a GotFlowers website, said the company, “is by far the most powerful and easy to manage website compared to all other websites in the floral industry.” It provides flexible and innovative features which florists can use to increase the value of an order. Built on a patented platform, a GotFlowers website supports schedule driven technology to automatically activate and inactivate categories, products and business rules. 

The company said benefits of a GotFlowers website are: increased sales and improved profitability; ease of website management; quick product upload; SEO-powered; has Cloud-based advantages; and that all of its products—website, POS, consumer app, automated social media, email marketing, and more—are all on its all-in-one platform. https://gotflowers.com/florist-websites

Hana POS: The company offers its web-based Florist POS software and florist template websites—designed specifically for florists. A basic POS plan is available for free when purchasing a website. Deployment is via: Cloud, SaaS, Web-base; Desktop – Mac, Windows, and Chromebook; On-Premise – Windows & Linux; and Mobile for Android; iPhone, iPad. Training is available as live online; webinars; documentation; and videos. https://www.hanafloristpos.com/

 Website Systems Solutions 

BloomNation: Will build a floral website for “florists who are looking to grow their online sales independent of old-school wire services and expensive order gatherers.” The company said that the average BloomNation florist using its templates and systems were able to grow their online revenue by 40 percent. BloomNation does offer a free trial of its services. Deployment is by: Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Mac and Windows. Training offered is in person and or live online. https://www.bloomnation.com/

BloomNet Business Management SystemBloomNet‘s state-of-the-art Business Management System and its easy-to-use software, you can get more done in less time – increasing efficiencies and reducing operating expenses. Best of all, this intuitive, comprehensive and web-based point of sales solution gives you the freedom to be a creative floral artisan, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business instead of thinking about your technology. Software deployable on Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Mac & Windows, with training available in person, live online, webinars, and documentation. 

BloomsBy: Part of FloraNextBloomsBy is a florist wedding management software—built by florists for florists. Users can create florist wedding proposals, manage weddings, calculate profits, send invoices, and more. Deployment via Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Mobile: iPhone, and iPad, with training offered only as live online. https://floranext.com/

Curate: An end-to-end floral software solution for florists who do weddings and events. Curate automates the entire process from proposal to strike, letting florists spend more time doing the things they love most while increasing their bookings and being more profitable. Deployment via Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based, with training offered through: in person; live online; webinars; documentation; and videos. https://we.curate.co

Details Flowers: An all-in-one floral software solution for event design. The company acts as a digital middleman, connecting florists with supply partners around the world and providing them with tools to create aesthetically pleasing proposals. The software will track costs, margins, payments, inventory, and sales all from one easy-to-use platform. Deployment is via Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based, offering training in person, live online, webinars, and documentation. https://info.detailsflowers.com/

FAS 2010: By Floral Accounting Systems, a leading provider of floral software for the floral industry for over 34 years, the software purports to manage every aspect of your retail flower business—from point-of-sale, accounts receivable, inventory control, and more. Deployment is offered only for mobile on Android, iPhone, and iPad. https://www.floralaccountingsystems.com/

Floral Frog: An all-in-one florist management software package, it automates daily business tasks and processes including POS, order processing, card payments, automated delivery routing, accounting and more. As a medium-sized florist management solution, it helps businesses with payment processing, and more. Deployment available as Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Mobile: Android, iPhone, and iPad, with training via live online, and documentation. https://www.floralfrog.com/

FloristWare: A powerful, easy-to-use POS system for florists the company said will save florists “time and money while increasing their sales.” FloristWare said that it originated the no contract/no commitment model that has become standard throughout the industry. Deployment via Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Mac & Windows; On-Premise – Windows & Linux, with training available through live online; webinars; documentation; and videos. https://www.floristware.com/

FlowerManager: A “sophisticated and powerful ecommerce sales & marketing platform” built from the ground up specific to the floral industry. It was created utilizing insights from some of the largest local florists in the country. Operated by GravityFree (see GravityFree), a boutique digital agency that builds and markets websites for florists, and offers its FlowerManager software. 

The company said that it “built a feature-rich ecommerce and marketing platform for florists, and we provide managed services for the platform. So we provide the platform and then help them execute with merchandising and florist specific features, as well as provide all of the needed marketing like creative, content development, social media, email marketing, SEO, PPC, reputation, and other similar services.” 

The company explained that “We provide this service for local florists to help them beat the large corporate interests and wire services. We provide dedicated markets so we are only doing marketing for one florist per area. Many of our shops are multi-generational and it’s nice to help them beat the tech industry. In business since 1996, it has been performing floral ecommerce since 2000. Deployment is via Cloud, SaaS, and Web-Based, with training offered as in person, live online, webinars, and documentation. https://www.gravityfree.com/

FTD Mercury: Part of FTD LLC, also known as Florists’ Transworld Delivery the floral wire service, retailer and wholesaler, FTD Mercury’s POS solution helps manage sales through order entry, event planning, delivery management tools & more to streamline inventory, delivery, and other related operations. Deployment is through Desktop – Windows; and Mobile: Android, iPhone, and iPad. Training is in person; live online; and through webinars. http://www.ftdi.com

Hana Software: Along with being a developer of original floral websites, it also offers its Point-of-Sale software to take your marketing to the next level. Its POS system is designed to deliver automated marketing materials for your florist website quickly and efficiently so you can reach more people and convert more leads without lifting a finger. The software will automate repetitive marketing activities such as ad campaigns, social media posting, and email marketing. It can also create a customized and cohesive marketing strategy that makes marketing tasks easier and faster for a better, more personalized customer experience to help you grow your shop’s content and SEO leads. https://www.hanafloristpos.com/websites/

HoneyBook: Although typically used by small businesses, HoneyBook does specifically state it creates websites for florists, but it offers software solutions to help organize your floral business with its all-in-one tools. Deployment is via: Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Mac, Windows, Linux, and Chromebook; Mobile: Android, iPhone. Training is provided as live online; webinars; documentation; and videos. https://www.honeybook.com/software-for-florists

IRIS Floral POS: A floral software provider that offers everything you need to run your flower shop. The POS solution lets businesses track inventory in real-time, manage deliveries, process discounts, and monitor sale items. Designed for independent flower shops and large multi-store operations, the software solution also helps manage events, monitor inventory, track delivery, analyze sales statistics, process duplicate orders, and more. Deployment is through Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Mac & Windows, with training offered as live online, webinars, and documentation. https://www.onlyiris.com/

Komet Sales: A cloud-based enterprise system for companies in the floral industry, it simplifies and automates processes to increase operational productivity while maximizing sales through multiple channels. Komet can also optimize operations such as credit card processing, FedEx shipments, business intelligence and more. With over 5,000 international customers, the solution is best utilized by flower growers, importers, and wholesalers. Deployment through Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Windows; Mobile: Android, iPhone, and iPad. Training is offered through in person, live online, webinars, and documentation. https://www.kometsales.com/

Lovingly POS: Offers a designed florist ecommerce website “built to convert visitors into paying clients and promote your flower shop brand.” It said its products are best utilized by independent flower shops and flower shop franchises seeking ecommerce success. Deployment is via Cloud, SaaS, Web-based, with training offered through live online; webinars; and documentation. https://www.lovingly.com/

Lobiloo: The oddly-named, yet alluring Lobiloo is a drag-and-drop floral estimate tool that enables the creation of floral designs through a centralized database. It also allows the user to plan and manage events, and bill for your services. It said it is also a place where florists can order flowers. Deployment is through Cloud, SaaS, and Web-Based, with training offered live online; webinars; and documentation. https://www.lobiloo.com

MyPlantShop: A fully mobile and Cloud-based system that it claims will transform the way a plant nursery manages customers, inventory and billing. MyPlantShop said it will do all the heavy lifting for you—just add your customers and inventory, and it will determine invoicing and customer loyalty-pricing based on your setup and configuration. For those who hate to create reports, the company has sales tax, commissions, inventory availability, and other reports easily created with a simple click of a button. MyPlantShop does allow users to try its system for free. Deployment is via Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based, with training offered as in person live online, and with documentation. https://myplantshop.com/

QuickFlora POS: a complete POS shop management system to “lower costs and increases your sales.” It also offers advanced marketing, delivery and reporting capabilities. The company claims that QuickFlora POS is being used by many of the largest flower shops in the US and Canada. Deployment is through 

Cloud, SaaS, and Web-Based; Desktop – Windows; Mobile – Android, iPhone, and iPad. Training is in person, live online, webinars, and documentation. https://www.quickflora.com/

SMARTSale System: A system for floral wholesale distributors, growers, and importer, it is owned by Floral Computer Systems. The SMARTSale System software provides inventory tracking, remote access and selling, warehouse shipping control, and more. Deployment is through Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based; Desktop – Windows. Training is via live online and documentation only. http://www.floralcomputer.com

Strelitzia: A “leading management software company for the florist industry, providing florists across the world with the technology for the day to day running of their shops.” It also said that Strelitzia was built by florists for florists. Deployment is only available on Desktop – Windows, with training through live online. http://www.strelitziasoftware.com

Teleflora: A floral wire service company that brokers orders to local florists for delivery, Teleflora does offer three systems to aid the floral business. 

  • Dove POS system for floral shops with delivery management, billing and sales analysis, and marketing tools. Specifically designed for florists, Dove POS is a Cloud-based point-of-sale system that helps manage backend operations and drive efficiency across the organization. We do note that the system is built on the Microsoft.NET framework—and Teleflora states that it is “easy to use, and scalable to any shop size.” For help in using the system, Teleflora offers phone support, documentation, user guides, and video tutorials. Available as Dove POS StandardDove POS Pro, and Dove POS Enterprisehttps://www.myteleflora.com/teleflora-dovepos.aspx
  • RTI, is described by Teleflora as a top-of-the-line florist point of sale system providing complete control over the order-to-delivery process, automatic mapping and directions, offering marketing capabilities and business analysis. Highly customizable for your specific needs, it is a solution for those with larger shops or for shops with multiple locations. The company also provides regular software releases. Teleflora offers: on-site installation and training, with 24/7 phone support, codifications, documentation, user guides, and video tutorials available.
  • DovePlus is a web-based technology, that allows users to send and receive orders across Teleflora’s network. Trusted by thousands of florists, DovePlus provides basic, fast, and dependable order functionality. The company notes that your computer must have an operating system of Windows 7 or higher, and does have some speed requirements—though that is laid out up front. The company offers tech support via phone support, documentation, user guides, and video tutorials. https://www.myteleflora.com/teleflora-doveplus.aspx

The Floral POS: This software from The Floral Pros, a family-owned and operated business, provides a one-screen order entry for flower shops—so no more needing to flip between screens. Fully compatible with Windows 7 and higher, though Windows 10 is preferred. https://thefloralpos.com/

Website Software & Marketing: From Bloomerang Solutions, the company provides website design from top to bottom. It offers: SEO, dedicated landing pages, branding (logo), help in utilizing your images, and copy written “to express what makes you different and show your potential clients why that difference is such a good thing.” The company said it will create content for the floral website, including blogging, videos, add reviews and testimonials, and run ad campaigns. https://www.bloomerang.solutions/

Note that Florists’ Review has not received any monies or services provided for inclusion of the companies named in this article.