If you ever have had the opportunity to meet Susanne Law, AIFD, EMC, head designer of La Belle Fleur Floral Boutique in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, you are immediately struck by her exuberant nature and passion to create. At any moment and in any place, be it during a family camping trip or a walk down the Las Vegas Strip, Susanne creates amazing original designs with the most unique materials in the most unusual places.
An educator and floral artist for more than 20 years, she continues her journey to learn by challenging herself with new pursuits such as competitions and creative design endeavors. As a member of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) and as a European Master Certification (EMC) designer, Susanne loves sharing her passion with others and teaches at Surrey College and local continuing education courses.
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Share an example of how something completely unrelated to floral design inspires your design work?
I get inspiration from common, everyday materials that I can easily access. It may be as simple as paper, wire and branches. The sources that inspire me are different methodologies of creating structures and bases, especially things I have learned from Gregor Lersch and Hitomi Gilliam, AIFD. The mechanics of a construction always fascinate me. This is the starting point from where I can create a story with flowers. The structure must honor the flowers and the storytellers.
I am easily inspired by unrelated topics. TV shows such as competitions, craft, homebuilding and cooking programs are always a fun source of creative thinking for me. Science shows also provide me with many technical inspirations and answers to how something is designed.
What do you do to “play” with creativity and strengthen your creative muscles?
I practice my creative development by continuing to be curious. My creativity grows by making mistakes and learning from that process. Failures in executions end up being opportunities to cultivate more creativity.
Also, sketching and brainstorming are skills that I continue to develop. They help me to work through concepts and problem solve. Most important, I find it very beneficial to share with and support other creative designers in the journey to create art.
Are your quests spontaneous and organic or are they planned, or both?
My quest for creative inspiration is an ongoing experience. I take time for quiet contemplation, but my eyes are always open to possibilities. A spark might be ignited even if I do not immediately react with a concept. Working organically and spontaneously is extremely freeing. I can stop over-thinking and over-processing a creative thought.
I really enjoy keeping the flow of creating open.