Mayesh is looking for four designers for their 2023 Design Star series with a focus on sustainable design practices. More florists are becoming aware of the environmental impact of their industry, and many are choosing to use sustainable methods and practices in their own businesses. This is a great opportunity to share your sustainable practices with the industry. Enter below for your chance to be a Mayesh design star.
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Mayesh is Searching for its 2023 Mayesh Design Star
Mayesh Floral September 7, 2022
Every year more and more florists are becoming aware of the environmental impact of their industry, and many are choosing to use sustainable methods and practices in their own businesses. A rare few are striving to approach 100% sustainability, but this is a difficult discipline to practice and maintain. At Mayesh we feel a responsibility to present our customers with information on philosophies, methods, techniques, and hacks that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. By sharing this content within our community, we believe that with each small step, incremental change, and provocative idea, we will all contribute to bringing about the changes our planet desperately needs.
With that said, we are adding a focus on sustainable design practices to our 2023 Mayesh Design Star series! Some things are more obvious than others, like replacing foam with chickenwire, but we want to see more! We are not looking for perfection but rather the innovative & clever ways you are practicing floristry in sustainable ways.
We are looking for four designers for our 2023 Design Star series to produce three design videos each. If you are selected, we will work together to decide which three consecutive months you will be featured and what you will teach in your videos.

If you are selected as a 2023 Design Star, your responsibilities would include the following:
- Coordination & execution of one shoot where you’ll film three design videos featuring sustainable practices. The focus of each video does not have to be sustainability, but we would like each video to use environmentally-friendly practices
- We’ll provide the flowers, you’ll provide the hardgoods, tools, and any other additional structures or decor you plan to use
- Budget provided by Mayesh for videographer & photographer
- Work with your videographer to ensure that we have each video two weeks before their scheduled air dates so that we have time to make necessary edits
- Be a guest on Mornings with Mayesh following each video (3x total) to go more in-depth on the video & answer viewer questions

Please use the link below to fill out our application. Among other questions, you will be asked what the top 3-5 things you would like to design & teach in your videos are. We are looking for creativity & originality as well as technical expertise, and of course, we want variety for our viewers – not twelve different bouquet videos! (Not to say that no one can do a bouquet, just try to think a bit outside the box!) And while the focus of each video does not have to be sustainability, we would still like you to implement environmentally friendly practices in each one, so keep that in mind & let us know what that means to you!
Along with the application, you will upload a 3-5 minute “selfie-style” video introducing yourself, your design style, why you want to be one of our designers, your thoughts on floral education & sustainability, etc… Just be yourself, really! This is our way to get to know your personality & charisma on camera.
Deadline to apply: October 28th, 2022