Judging from the most recent sales statistics, it’s clear that people want to celebrate Mother’s Day more than ever. That makes sense, of course, since after two years of a pandemic, customers want to show their mothers how much they appreciate them. And they’ll undoubtedly be doing that with flowers. Have a great holiday everyone!

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Mother’s Day is here again, and we know you’re well into your preparations! And despite the shipping delays, price increases, and supply chain issues we’ve all faced, you’ve shown you’re smart, creative, and can rise to the occasion. Those abilities will be essential for Mother’s Day!

Judging from the most recent sales statistics, it’s clear that people want to celebrate this holiday more than ever. That makes sense, of course, since after two years of a pandemic, customers want to show their mothers how much they appreciate them. And they’ll undoubtedly be doing that with flowers.

Overall Spending

As to overall spending for Mother’s Day, The National Retail Federation found that in 2021, spending was expected to be a record $28.1 billion. Individual spending was also a record, at $220 per person. And this year, with fewer COVID restrictions, those numbers are expected to increase.

Floral Spending

In the same NRF survey, 68% said they planned to purchase flowers for Mother’s Day. Additionally, a Society of American Florists (SAF) report showed that in 2021, nearly a third of US adults purchased fresh flowers or plants for Mother’s Day, a 4% increase over 2020.

Spending Trends 

One trend that we all clearly understand is the movement to online shopping. Last year, per the SAF, more than 40% of Mother’s Day shopping was online. And while shopping with computers, smartphones, and tablets is becoming the norm, we will also see more in-store shopping this year as pandemic restrictions are lifted. That’s good news for floral retailers!

Another interesting trend, reported by the Produce Marketing Association, is the move by consumers to spend less money on high-ticket items like handbags and jewelry. Instead, customers are choosing to purchase more affordable gifts like flowers and plants. Yet more good news for florists!

Your Next Steps

We will have plenty of information in this issue of LivRio to help you market your flowers for Mother’s Day. But in a nutshell, based on these statistics, we know that your most important actions are to continue what you’ve been successfully doing throughout the past two years:

  1. Think outside the box. Come up with creative alternatives to the most popular flowers so you can offset increased costs and get ahead of potential supply chain delays.
  2. Increase your online promotion. Double down on your social media posts, live videos, email campaigns, and online ads to take advantage of increased Mother’s Day demand.

The point is this: You know what to do. And we have faith in you. Keep moving forward, and you’ll see some blooming fantastic Mother’s Day sales and revenue!