For the first time in many years, the monarch has not been at the event in person this year, as all content has gone online due to lockdown. However, her fashion choices over the years have often turned heads and raised eyebrows, none more so than what she puts on her head. The Queen sometimes wears a hairnet, adorned with little black bows or flowers or topped with a fascinator hat.

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Her choice of headgear, which is typically worn behind closed doors to keep rollers or product set in place, has confused and amused royal watchers for years.

It is not something usually seen on a royal head, but the Queen dazzled in it in 2011 and 2012, and wore similar garments in 1993, 1987, 1981 and 1977.

The monarch, who is the Patron of the Royal Horticultural Society, usually attends the Chelsea Flower Show every single year.

In 2011, her net was designed by her in-house designer Angela Kelly.

There has long been a debate about why the Queen would choose to wear such an unusual item, but it has been claimed before that she does it to prevent her hair blowing in her face, as much of the show is held outside in the gardens of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman confirmed in 2011: “It wasn’t a fascinator. It was definitely a net.

“I think it was a pragmatic choice as it was fairly windy down there.”

However, it is unclear why she needs special protection from the wind at the Chelsea Flower Show and not at the many other engagements she conducts outside.

Perhaps, there is another aspect to the decision ‒ a nod to the fun horticultural spirit of the day.

However, not everyone is a fan; one passerby told the Daily Mail in 2011 that the sovereign should “sell the offending article on eBay and have the milliner sent to the Tower”.

The Queen, who is known for her iconic block colour pastel looks, with matching dress, hat and handbag, sometimes goes a little bolder for the flower show.She has been spotted donning large floral patterns in a clear display of love and support for the horticultural work.This year, the Queen paid tribute to her beloved Chelsea Flower Show in a message from Buckingham Palace.She said her grandmother Queen Mary, who first visited the show in 1916, would be delighted to know how gardening is still a national pastime.She praised the “unique” way the event has coped in the lockdown by doing its very first virtual show, complete with demonstrations, talks and tours all available online.A statement from the sovereign read: “On the occasion of the Opening of the Virtual Chelsea Flower Show 2020, I send my best wishes to all those associated with the Royal Horticultural Society. “My family and I have always enjoyed visiting the Show, and I know that your members and supporters will be disappointed that they are unable to attend in person this year.“As Patron of […]