Now’s the perfect opportunity to review your floral business, eliminate what isn’t working for you, and add things that will get you more sales for all the upcoming holidays and events on your schedule.

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Spring is here — which means it’s time for some spring cleaning! Now’s the perfect opportunity to review your floral business, eliminate what isn’t working for you, and add things that will get you more sales for all the upcoming holidays and events on your schedule. To help you, we’re sharing seven of our favorite spring-cleaning tips for your floral business.

1. Review Your Sales, Profits, and Upcoming Needs

Before you start tossing things out, it’s best to review what you want to keep. Go through your numbers for the first two months of the year and see what’s been working for you. Then you can determine what you want to get rid of — whether it’s a specific product or a system — and move forward from there.

2. Clean Out Slow-moving Inventory

Once you’ve completed your review, you’ll know which items aren’t moving fast enough. Now it’s time to clean them out by offering them at a discount. One way is to create “mystery arrangements” featuring these flowers. Many customers will love the idea of receiving a surprise arrangement for a discounted price.

3. Make Your Shop Sparkle for Spring

Update all your in-store signage and displays to a bright, colorful spring theme. Ensure your entire store is sparkling clean, including floors, windows, and counters. By doing this, you’ll create an inviting, comfortable space for your customers. You may also want to order new supplies or displays to create a fresh look for your shop.

4. Feature Seasonal and On-Trend Flowers

More and more people are looking for seasonal blooms, and spring is a great time to feature them. Also, people love knowing the latest floral trends, so having on-trend flowers can attract new customers. Seasonal and on-trend blooms will also give your current customers something fresh to add to their orders. Create special spring arrangements with these flowers at three price points and promote them widely on social media and in emails.

5. Revisit and Revive Proven Sellers

Along with new offerings, breathe new life into your best-selling flowers. Create new arrangements with these flowers and feature them in your store, along with signage in beautiful spring colors. You can also ask customers what they love most about a particular flower and feature their comments on social media posts.

6. Plan Your Spring Promotions

Once you know what you want to offer for the season, plan your promotions to attract as many customers as possible. Offer spring discounts on specific arrangements and include gifts with purchase or special in-store-only sales. You can also add gift cards to the mix if you don’t already use them, as this can add a new revenue stream for your business.

7. Spring Clean Your Website

Spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to your physical shop! It’s also important to review your website and make sure you’re up to date:

• Update your website’s look with new spring imagery, including on the home page and the page with your spring promotions.

• Review your overall website design to see if it’s dated. You may want to update the look of the site to make it more inviting and user-friendly:

• Update your images on your site. If you’ve used the same photos of some arrangements for years, it may be time to create fresh, new looks.

• Revisit and refresh old web content, including blog posts. Review which posts got the most traffic and update them to make them even better. Then promote the updated post on social media to get more traffic to your site.

• It’s also a great time to get rid of outdated information, posts that didn’t get any traffic, or items that you no longer offer but may still be on the website.

• Ensure all your links are working correctly on the site, then get rid of (or fix) any broken links.

• Optimize your online checkout process to make it easy for customers to add items to the cart and pay for them. Don’t give them so many forms to fill out that they get discouraged and go elsewhere!

Spring cleaning can help set up your floral business for a fantastic season — and year — ahead. Good luck!