Experience the dreamy, rose-filled world of Alexandra Farms in this beautiful video.

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The dreamy, rose-filled world of Alexandra Farms

Welcome to the dreamy, rose-filled world of Alexandra Farms.

Our mission has always been to delight our customers with romantic, nostalgic, long-lasting and beautiful flowers. Since our founding in 2005 to today, we can joyfully say we’ve grown our offerings from fabulous garden rose varieties to other flowers, we’ve focused on environmentally-conscious growth, and a flower-loving community has bloomed – both within our company and with designers around the world.

With great pride in our work, we continue to strive for excellence in our service and the quality of our products. We extend enormous gratitude to our customers and to anyone who has ever come close to such breathtaking flowers and formed a special bond with them.

Watch this beautiful video to experience a glimpse of the magic that happens at the farm.

women smelling the garden roses
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