Presenting Florists’ Reviews Valentines Day Contest!

Valentines Day is approaching and we want to share inspiration from your designs for the big holiday with our readers.?

We’ve created a contest where you can submit photos of your best Valentine’s Day floral designs in any or all of the four categories:

• Gift Boxes 

• Arrangements 

•Table Flowers for Hospitality 

• Non-Rose Options 

TO ENTER, simply upload your photos using the link below (We need either 300dpi images or large 72dpi for magazine print:

The entry deadline is November 12th, 2021.

Be sure to provide all of the requested information—and please obtain permission for Florists’ Review to publish any images taken by a professional photographer.

Our panel of judges will select their favorite designs in each category, and we will publish those top designs in our December issue and on our website, 

The winning designers will have their work featured in our December issue, and the overall winner will receive a Florist Spotlight feature in an upcoming issue of Florists’ Review.

Win a Florist Spotlight Feature

Upload your photos today, for your chance to show the floral world your winning design work!

Thank you for joining us! ?