Twelve tips for developing your management skills and managing your team effectively

By Nita Robertson, AIFD

flower with people working

Leading a floral team effectively involves balancing creativity with strong leadership skills. By setting a clear vision; fostering a positive work environment; and empowering your team through training, communication and trust, you can create a cohesive, motivated team that consistently delivers high-quality work.

As a leader, your role is more than managing day-to-day operations; it is to inspire, guide and support your team, ensuring that everyone is working together to achieve shared goals and grow your business. With the right approach, you can cultivate a team that not only thrives but also takes pride in their work and the success of your business. By improving your leadership skills, you can enhance your team’s performance and create a thriving workplace where creativity and collaboration can flourish. In the end, a well-led team is a key ingredient in the ongoing success of your business. Herer are 12 tips to help you improve your leadership skills.

1. Start by clearly defining the vision and mission of your business. What makes your business unique? What are the key goals you want to achieve? What do you expect of your team? When your team understands and aligns with your vision, they will be more motivated and engaged. Regularly share your vision with your team through meetings, emails and/or casual conversations. Make sure everyone understands how their role contributes to the overall success of the business.

2. Your enthusiasm for your work sets the tone for your entire team. Show your commitment through your actions, whether it’s staying late to finish an important project or going the extra mile for a customer. Maintain high standards of professionalism in all interactions, from dealing with customers to managing conflicts within your team. Your behavior sets the benchmark for what’s expected from everyone. Remember, leadership is about showing, not just telling.

3. Foster a collaborative work environment by encouraging open lines of communication. Clearly articulate expectations, goals and feedback. Explicitly define your expectations regarding professionalism and work performance, but balance this with empathy and understanding for personal circumstances. Create a culture where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, feedback and concerns. Being approachable is key—while maintaining authority, ensure your team members know they can come to you with questions or suggestions. This openness can lead to innovation and improved processes. Regular check-ins can help prevent misunderstandings and keep everyone on the same page.

4. Invest in training by offering regular training sessions to help your team develop their skills whether it’s floral design techniques, customer service or sales strategies. Set your team up for success. This not only improves their performance but also boosts their morale and job satisfaction.

5. Empower decision-making by encouraging team members to take ownership of their tasks and make decisions within their roles. This empowerment leads to greater accountability and can free up your time to focus on higher-level management.

6. Take the time to get to know your team members on a personal level. Understanding their motivations, strengths and challenges helps you lead more effectively. Show genuine interest in their well-being and career growth. When team members feel valued as individuals, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal.

7. Delegate, delegate, delegate. Effective delegation is the key to efficiency; it not only streamlines operations but also empowers employees by giving them ownership of their responsibilities. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, and delegate tasks accordingly. This ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. Once you delegate a task, trust your team to complete it without micromanaging. Provide guidance when necessary, but give them the space to work independently. Trust is the foundation of a strong team. Be transparent, keep your promises, and treat every team member with respect. When trust is present, your team will be more willing to take on challenges and collaborate effectively.

8. Encourage collaboration within the team. Collaboration is where creativity thrives. Whether it’s working together on a large event or sharing ideas for new designs or displays, collaboration leads to better outcomes and a stronger team dynamic. Foster an environment where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn and grow. Encourage your team to approach problems with a solutions-focused mindset.

9. Provide constructive feedback and recognition. Hold one-on-one meetings with your team members to provide constructive feedback. Focus on both strengths and areas for improvement, and offer actionable advice on how they can grow.

10. Celebrate successes. Recognize and celebrate achievements, both big and small. Whether it’s completing a challenging order or handling a difficult customer with grace, acknowledging your team’s efforts boosts morale and fosters loyalty. Celebrations don’t have to be grand; they can range from a simple verbal recognition to a formal reward like a bonus or a team outing. This practice fosters a sense of pride and motivation, encouraging your team to continue striving for excellence. By consistently celebrating achievements, you create a positive work environment where success is recognized and rewarded, further driving your team’s commitment to the business’s goals.

11. Manage conflicts with compassion, and address issues promptly. Don’t let conflicts fester. Address any issues as soon as they arise and do so in a calm and constructive manner. Ensure that everyone involved has the opportunity to express his or her perspective. Listening with empathy helps in understanding the root cause of a conflict and finding a fair resolution. Instead of dwelling on the problem, guide the conversation toward finding a solution that works for all parties involved.

12. Embrace change. The flower industry, like any other, is subject to changes in trends, technology and market dynamics. Be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. As a leader, your ability to adapt and guide your team through transitions is crucial. When changes are necessary, involve your team in the process. Whether you’re adopting new software, changing suppliers or rebranding, getting their input can lead to better decisions and smoother implementation.

Finally, just as you expect your team to grow, commit to your own development as a leader. Seek feedback on your leadership style and be open to making improvements. Consider taking leadership courses, attending industry workshops or joining professional groups to stay ahead in your field.

By honing your leadership skills and cultivating a positive work environment, you can create a business where creativity, collaboration and success will blossom. Your team’s growth is the cornerstone of your business’s ongoing success, and with thoughtful leadership, you’ll foster a workplace where everyone thrives.

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