In explaining the track, Lavender haze, from her just released “Midnight’s” studio album, Taylor Swift shared on Instagram how she heard the phrase on the TV show, “Mad Men” and was intrigued. “I looked it up because I thought it sounded cool,” said Swift. “And it turns out that it’s a common phrase used in the ’50s, where they would just describe being in love.” Thanks to Taylor Swift, a true flower lover from many of her songs and fashions, for finding another reason to love lavender. Now it will be linked to romance too.

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Thanks to Taylor Swift’s Song, Lavender Now Linked to Romance

By Jill Brooke

Flower lovers – we can so relate to Taylor Swift being in a “Lavender Haze.”

In explaining the track from her just released “Midnight’s” studio album, she shared on Instagram how she heard the phrase on the TV show, “Mad Men” and was intrigued. “I looked it up because I thought it sounded cool,” said Swift. “And it turns out that it’s a common phrase used in the ’50s, where they would just describe being in love.”

So she wrote the song inspired by the phrase and her six-year relationship with actor Joe Alwyn.

As she said, “I guess theoretically when you’re in the lavender haze, you’ll do anything to stay there. And not let people bring you down off of that cloud. I think that a lot of people have to deal with this now, not just like public figures, because we live in the era of social media, and if the world finds out if you’re in love with somebody, they’re going to weigh in on it. Like my relationships for six years, we’ve had to dodge weird rumors and tabloid stuff, and we just ignore it. So this song is about the act of ignoring that stuff to protect the real stuff.”

Swift sings in the song,  “I feel the lavender haze creepin’ up on me/Surreal/I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say/No deal

Although “Mad Men” depicted the advertising business in the 1950s and ran from 2007-2015, the mentioned phrase never really was picked up in popular culture from the series. Taylor Swift is about to change that with the introduction of this lovely song.

Furthermore, “Lavender Haze” was also known in more recent times for a particular strain of marijuana. The hybrid strain was created by crossing the classic Lavender indica with the strain G13 Haze.

In the language of flowers, lavender represents serenity, grace, calmness as well as devotion and love. In fact, lavender is referenced more than a hundred times in the Old Testament.

During the Middle ages, it was considered an herb of love and was used as an aphrodisiac. It was also believed that a sprinkle of lavender water on the head of a loved one would keep the wearer chaste. As Jeannine Davis wrote, due to its insecticidal properties, lavender was scattered over floors in castles and sickrooms as a disinfectant and deodorant and as an ingredient in smelling salts and was used to disinfect wounds during wartime. After all, the word came from the Latin verb “lavare” which means to bathe. 

Lavender was even considered effective in taming lions and tigers, repelling mosquitoes, and treatments for headaches, hysteria, sore joints and toothaches.

In a scientific study, published in October of 2018, Dr. Hideki Kashiwadani at Kagoshima University and a team of researchers found links between the effects of smelling lavender vs. taking medications like Valium. A similar study also was conducted in Austria in 1992. 

Linalool, one of the terpene alcohols in lavender extracts, turns out to have anti-anxiety effects, what scientists call “anxiolytic.”  

As the study said, smelling lavender flows through our olfactory system resulting in a calming effect.  No wonder so many beauty products use lavender. 

With its 20 different species, lavender is being researched more and more for these healing qualities.

Growing in sun and well drained soil, the two most popular varieties are fine lavender – which has a strong scent and is used for perfumes and pharmacies and lavindin is a natural hybrid lavender mixing fine and aspic lavender. It’s easier to grow with a greater yield.

Also, lavender fields are so hypnotic in their beauty. Because of the dry weather, Provence in France is one of the largest producers of the plant. Any visitor would see the romance in the flower.

So it’s not a surprise that we are always in love with lavender. However, as Roger Friedman, editor of points out, “as a result of this song, everyone falling in love will now refer to it as a lavender haze.”

Thank you Taylor Swift, a true flower lover from many of her songs and fashions, for finding another reason to love lavender. Now it will be linked to romance too.


Jill Brooke is a former CNN correspondent, Post columnist and editor-in-chief of Avenue and Travel Savvy magazine. She is an author and the editorial director of FPD,  floral editor for Aspire Design and Home magazine and contributor to Florists Review magazine.