Waterfall Bouquet
A cascading bouquet, of grand proportions, is designed for a bride who wants to make a dramatic— and environmentally responsible—statement.
Floral design by Shelly Huynh-Lewis, AIFD, CFD
This modern take on an elegant 1920s-inspired cascading bridal bouquet comes to us from Shelly Huynh-Lewis, AIFD, CFD, owner and creative director of Orchid Dynasty in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is designed in an eco-friendly fashion, using biodegradable floral foam in a reusable bouquet holder and compostable cling (plastic) wrap.
“If we keep an open mind by experimenting and using old and new techniques, it will teach us to adapt and innovate and give us more opportunities to be creative in more resourceful ways,” Huynh-Lewis says.
Gardenia jasminoides (cape jasmine)
Dendrobium spp. (Singapore orchid, bamboo orchid)
Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup)
Daucus carota (Queen Anne’s lace, wild carrot)
Jasminum officinale (poet’s jasmine/jessamine)
Lonicera periclymenum (common honeysuckle, woodbine)
Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish moss, graybeard)
Ruscus aculeatus (Italian Ruscus, butcher’s broom, box holly)
Quercus rubra (red oak, Northern red oak)
Salvia officinalis (common sage, garden sage)
Gypsophila paniculata (stardust baby’s breath)
Lagurus ovatus (bunny-tail grass)
OASIS™ Floral Mesh (Gold), OASIS™ Bind Wire, OASIS™ Florist Wire and Floratape® Stem Wrap from Oasis Floral Products/Smithers-Oasis Company
Agra-Wool 100% Natural Floral Foam™ from New Age Floral
Gala® Bouquet Holder from FloraCraft
Waxed twine (cotton, hemp, jute, etc.)
Compostable/biodegradable cling (plastic) wrap

Step 1
To create a water source for the delicate blooms, wrap the stem ends with small pieces of wet Agra-Wool Natural Floral Foam, cover the Agra-Wool with compostable cling wrap and secure the cling wrap to the flower stems with waxed twine or paper-covered wire. (I used cotton, in the same manner, for the Ranunculus.)
Step 2
Pack a reusable bouquet holder with AgraWool. Cut a piece of gold floral mesh to the length and width you desire for the cascade (this one is 8 inches [eight-squares] wide). Bend 1 inch (one square) on each edge of the mesh at a 90-degree (right) angle to the wider surface of the mesh, along the entire length of the piece of mesh. Insert the handle of the bouquet holder through one end of the mesh structure, and mold that end of the mesh around the base of the bouquet holder. Lay stems of bleached dried/preserved Ruscus and oak leaves onto the surface and edges of the mesh structure, and secure the stems to the mesh with paper-covered wire or waxed twine

Step 3
Cover any exposed areas of the mesh structure with Spanish moss.
Step 4
Layer and weave stems of fresh honeysuckle and jasmine vines into the mesh structure, to form the desired shape and length for the bouquet. Secure the stems to the mesh with paper-covered wire or waxed twine.

Step 5
Next, weave stems of Dendrobium orchids, Ranunculus and Queen Anne’s lace into the mesh, securing the stems to the mesh with paper-covered wire or waxed twine. Arrange longer stems directly into the bouquet holder.
DESIGN TIP: Work from bottom of the mesh structure upward, until you reach the center of
the structure. Then concentrate on the upper portion of the bouquet. Be sure to arrange stems to create a natural flow and rhythm.
Step 6
Continue to add and layer Dendrobium orchids, Ranunculus and Queen Anne’s lace into the bouquet until you achieve the desired look, shape and fullness. Finally, add the Gardenia blooms.
First, place a cling-wrapped Agra-Wool or cotton “bubble” to each of the Gardenia stem ends (process described in Step 1), and then wire and tape the stems, as needed, to create “stem” length. Wire the Gardenia “stems” to the mesh structure.
DESIGN NOTE: This bouquet lasted two days out of the cooler, but with additional care and handling measures—misting the fresh botanicals with an antitranspirant spray, covering the bouquet with a light plastic and storing it in a floral cooler— it could be made a few days in advance. This same technique can be used for garlands, body decorations and other countless designs. Enjoy experimenting!

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