An exuberant hand-tied design created with a chicken-wire armature. Floral design, step-by-step photos and text by...
An exuberant hand-tied design created with a chicken-wire armature. Floral design, step-by-step photos and text by...
This moody, monochromatic masterpiece is a study in color and texture. Floral design and text by Ashley...
This polychromatic ombré composition would be splendid for virtually any spring and summer occasion, including “Pride...
A lovely garden-style arrangement features decorative design elements from Smithers-Oasis—including black floral foam....
An imaginative seasonal design inspired by—of all things—a boiling pot of soup. Floral design, photos and text...
A stunning and versatile floral installation that is easily moved and reconfigured, providing clients with maximum...
A popular design mechanic offers many benefits for all types of wedding and event designs. Floral design, photos and...
Tulips and fresh branches provide welcome seasonal elements in a charming, salable design. Floral design, photos and...